Humane Goose Removal in Vancouver

Canada Geese

Approaching Canadian geese, particularly during their breeding season in spring and summer, is not recommended as they can become aggressive and territorial. Protective of their nests and offspring, Canadian geese may perceive humans as threats and may attack.

The droppings of Canadian geese can quickly accumulate, creating unsightly images on walkways, lawns, and other areas. Moreover, their fecal matter can harbor harmful bacteria and parasites, posing health risks to humans. These droppings also pose a slip and fall hazard, making walking surfaces slippery and increasing the risk of accidents.

In Canada, it is illegal to disturb the nest, harm the eggs, or capture Canadian geese without proper authorization from the Canadian Wildlife Service or provincial/territorial wildlife authorities. AAA Wildlife Control, which also provides humane goose removal services in Vancouver, can assist you through this process and offer the necessary removal services.

Goose Control Vancouver
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Legal Solution

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Do It Yourself Dangers

For those who may be tempted to take on the task of removing animals and animal proofing themselves, it is important to remember that it can be a dangerous undertaking. Falling off ladders and roofs while attempting to remove animals or seal entry points can result in serious bodily harm. In some cases, even aggressive animals can pose a danger to those trying to remove them. It is best to leave these tasks to experienced professionals who have the knowledge and equipment to safely and effectively handle wildlife removal and animal proofing. Attempting to do it yourself can put you at risk of injury and potentially even more damage to your home.

Do not Approach a Canadian Goose
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Effective Animal Control

31 Years Of Wildlife Removal Experience

Canada geese can present challenges for businesses and property owners, as their droppings create unsightly messes and pose health and slip-and-fall risks to humans. Additionally, their nesting habits can impede access to certain areas.

If you’re facing a Canada goose issue on your property or business, prompt action is essential. However, it’s crucial to understand that Canada geese are protected under Canadian law. Removing them without proper authorization can lead to fines and legal consequences.

At AAA Wildlife Control, we’re dedicated to providing effective and humane goose removal and control services in Vancouver, Canada. Our team of experts is trained and authorized by the Canadian Wildlife Service, ensuring that removal is conducted responsibly and within legal guidelines.

Don't let geese take over your property or business. Contact AAA Wildlife Control today for information on how to obtain a Canada Wildlife Service Permit and how we can assist in solving your goose problem.